Monday, August 15, 2005


I've moved my blog and it's post to my new blog, please go to my new blog called Landman Code. Welcome to my Blog,

you’ll probably think.. wow, yet another useless blog. You’re probably right.

But I will try to explain why I still created this blog. As a student, I travel a lot, therefore I bought a laptop (IBM Think Pad T22). I think many programmers will recognize that once you’re programming, you will always miss just that one piece of code you know you have on the other computer. Seeing the fact that a good programmer is a lazy programmer, you will too not like to rewrite that piece of code (also known as a snippet).

I find myself having two solutions to that problem.

  • Logging in to the other computer trough VNC
  • Post it on the Internet

Always running the laptop and the other computer is not a nice option, therefore I choose the Internet. At first I used an simple html page, but I figured, a blog has a few extras which allow the discussion of my frequently used snippets.

The focus of this weblog will be on the following subjects:

  • Optimizing
  • String operations
  • Image Manipulation
  • Windows API
  • Extended Dialogs
  • File In/Output
  • Database
  • Office Automation

The programming language will be Delphi, and all thought I’m Dutch, I will (try to) keep this blog in English.